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Oct 8, 202421 min read
EP 50 - Hallucination Examples: Marian Apparitions
Marian apparitions are a major way skeptics try to argue mass hallucinations are possible, in order to counter the resurrection appearances.

Sep 25, 202428 min read
EP 49 - Hallucination Examples: Bigfoot and UFOs
Are there examples of group hallucinations? Even if we look at the best possible examples, they still fail to be group hallucinations.

May 24, 202417 min read
Ep 48 - Ancient Understanding of Hallucinations
The ancients had categories for different types of mental experiences. They were not so ignorant that they thought hallucinations were real.

Nov 21, 202312 min read
Episode 47 - What are Hallucinations?
How do hallucinations happen? What exactly are they, and are they predictable? These questions will help us evaluate hallucination theory.

Oct 13, 202311 min read
Episode 46 - Purpose of the Hallucination Theory
One of the main counters against the resurrection of Jesus is the claim that the disciples were merely hallucinating the risen Christ.

Oct 30, 202219 min read
Episode 45 - Did the Disciples Steal Jesus' Body?
Here we go into what is probably the best secular explanation for the resurrection of Jesus Christ: that the disciples stole Jesus' body.

Sep 28, 202214 min read
Episode 44 - Theories Behind Jesus' Missing Body
The empty tomb is a difficult historical fact to make sense of. In this episode we explore theories behind Jesus' missing body.

Sep 8, 202217 min read
Episode 43 - Explaining the Missing Body of Jesus
There is a group of secular arguments against the resurrection that all try to claim that Jesus' body went missing. They state it was...

May 27, 202221 min read
Episode 42 - Jesus' Cause of Death
After showing exactly what kills a person in crucifixion, we'll be able to definitively say that, yes, Jesus did in fact die on that cross..

May 8, 202219 min read
Episode 41 - The Science Against Jesus' Death
Here we'll look at one of the best arguments for the idea that Jesus never died on the cross, so there was no resurrection.

Feb 11, 202225 min read
Episode 40 - Ancient References to Crucifixion
Many of the secular arguments against the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually relate back to a misunderstanding on what crucifixion was...

Jan 15, 202214 min read
Episode 39 - Could Jesus Have Recovered?
While academic historians haven't had respect for the swoon theory for many decades now, there are still those who try to bring back the...

Dec 6, 202116 min read
Episode 38 - The Swoon Theory
What if Jesus only passed out, and the executioner that was crucifying Jesus "thought" Jesus was dead...

Jul 29, 202135 min read
Episode 37 - Gospel of Barnabas
A main piece of evidence used for the "imposter on the cross" argument is the Gospel of Barnabas. Some think this text is even better...

Jul 12, 202115 min read
Episode 36 - Imposter on the Cross
In this episode we look at the reasons for and against this position called "the imposter on the cross".

Jun 25, 20211 min read
Episode 35 - Miracle Stories
Is there any reason to think miracles occur? ... is there any positive reasons to think miracles are real?

Jun 8, 202119 min read
Episode 34 - Hume, Defeater of Miracles
One of the main reasons people disregard the resurrection of Jesus is because they don't believe miracles are possible. Whether they know...

May 20, 202110 min read
Episode 33 - Science Against Miracles
We've all met someone who disbelieves in supernatural things because they're more "science minded", as though science has disproven the...

May 10, 202110 min read
Episode 32 - Bad Examples of Miracles
A large reason people struggle to believe in the resurrection of Jesus is that they simply don't believe in miracles.

Apr 26, 202117 min read
Episode 31 - Bias Against Miracles
Are miracles possible? If not there's no point in even having a discussion about whether Jesus was really resurrected.
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