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Apr 9, 202117 min read
Episode 30 - Reasoning for the Resurrection
Here we review the historical data, and form an argument out of it, to show that Jesus Christ actually rose from the dead.

Mar 24, 202113 min read
Episode 29 - Evidence for the Empty Tomb
The idea that Jesus was buried, and then the tomb was found empty, is an incredible claim to make. In this episode we look at the historical

Mar 17, 202117 min read
Episode 28 - Was Jesus Even Buried?
If Jesus's tomb was empty, then we need to explain where the body went...In this episode we'll look at the arguments against Jesus' burial.

Feb 28, 202111 min read
Episode 27 - If your brother was God
Imagine for a moment your sibling tried to tell you they were the Son of God, sent from heaven, as the messiah to all of humanity...

Feb 14, 202116 min read
Episode 26 - Persecution To Conversion
One of the big mysteries of the New Testament for a skeptic is, why did Paul convert to Christianity? He had everything going for him, and

Jan 29, 202114 min read
Episode 25 - Facts: Crucifixion and Resurrection Belief
...we should look at the evidence that counts as "minimal", meaning, facts that all historians agree with.

Jan 11, 202111 min read
Episode 24 - The Minimal Facts Approach
This method uses only the data that basically all historians agree upon and shows that the best explanation is that Jesus rose from the dead

Dec 21, 202013 min read
Episode 23 - Mischievous Superstition
The non-Christians who wrote about Jesus and Christianity can show us something quite interesting. We can see how Romans viewed the...

Dec 7, 202010 min read
Episode 22 - Non-Christian Sources: Lucian, Talmud, Serapion
In this episode we continue to look at the ancient non-Christian sources of Lucian of Samosata, the Babylonian Talmud, and Mara bar Serapion

Nov 22, 202013 min read
Episode 21 - Early Non-Christian Sources: Josephus
One of the main requests skeptics make when discussing matters of religious history, is for the Christian to present non-Christian writings

Nov 9, 20201 min read
Episode 20 - Jesus Mythicists with Wesley Huff
We take a look at a couple of the most popular Jesus Mythicists; Richard Carrier, and Robert Price.

Oct 25, 20201 min read
Episode 19 - Other books of the Bible? with Wesley Huff
Who were the people that chose which books made it into the Bible, and what kind of criteria did they use? What about the books that didn't

Oct 8, 20201 min read
Episode 18 - Bart Ehrman with Wesley Huff
We take a look at Bart Ehrman, who is one of the most prominent New Testament skeptics in the world.

Sep 26, 20201 min read
Episode 17 - Textual Variances with Wesley Huff
Does that defeat the New Testament as being the Word of God? Is the New Testament no longer able to be considered inerrant then?

Sep 14, 20201 min read
Episode 16 - How to Read the Bible: An Example
In this episode Jon explores an example of how to read the Bible using the tools previously discussed on the podcast.

Aug 29, 20201 min read
Episode 15 - Cultural Context With Dr. Ben Shin
This week I had the treat of interviewing Dr. Ben Shin, who was my professor for Hermeneutics while I was in my grad studies.

Aug 15, 202014 min read
Literary Tips to the Bible - Episode 14
Today we’re going to wrap up the genres by taking a look at what is probably the most ignored genres in the Bible: Law.

Aug 2, 202016 min read
Poetry in the Bible - Episode 13
During these past few episodes we’ve been looking at how to read the Bible, and currently we’re looking at how to study the literary context

Jul 11, 202011 min read
Genres in The Bible - Episode 12
In day to day life we make meaning out of the things we read by categorizing them into different genres: a scholarly article, a text message

Jun 13, 202011 min read
Historical Context - Episode 11
Ever wonder why Jesus entered Jerusalem on a donkey and not a horse? Or why slavery in the Bible is different than we think of it?
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