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Episode 41 - The Science Against Jesus' Death
Here we'll look at one of the best arguments for the idea that Jesus never died on the cross, so there was no resurrection.
May 8, 202219 min read

Is Atheism a Religion?
Is atheism a belief, or simply a "lack" of belief? When looking at the actual practice of atheists, it's different than they want to admit.
Apr 22, 20221 min read

Did Jesus Die or did He just pass out?
One major counter to the resurrection is the idea that maybe Jesus only passed out on the cross. We dig into this topic, and why it's wrong.
Apr 14, 20221 min read

What's the Earliest New Testament Writing?
With all the debate about the dating of the biblical books, which one might be the earliest?
Feb 23, 20221 min read

Episode 40 - Ancient References to Crucifixion
Many of the secular arguments against the resurrection of Jesus Christ actually relate back to a misunderstanding on what crucifixion was...
Feb 11, 202225 min read

Episode 39 - Could Jesus Have Recovered?
While academic historians haven't had respect for the swoon theory for many decades now, there are still those who try to bring back the...
Jan 15, 202214 min read

Episode 38 - The Swoon Theory
What if Jesus only passed out, and the executioner that was crucifying Jesus "thought" Jesus was dead...
Dec 6, 202116 min read

Is Life Pointless?
The "meaning of life" is the grand question of human existence. Is there purpose? Or does nothing matter? Let's explore this topic.
Nov 23, 20211 min read

You Can't Prove God
A common argument against religion is that there's no way to know for certain that God exists. Let's look at a problem in this reasoning.
Oct 25, 20211 min read

Episode 37 - Gospel of Barnabas
A main piece of evidence used for the "imposter on the cross" argument is the Gospel of Barnabas. Some think this text is even better...
Jul 29, 202135 min read

Episode 36 - Imposter on the Cross
In this episode we look at the reasons for and against this position called "the imposter on the cross".
Jul 12, 202115 min read

Episode 35 - Miracle Stories
Is there any reason to think miracles occur? ... is there any positive reasons to think miracles are real?
Jun 25, 20211 min read

Evidence that the Gospels are eyewitness Testimony
Historians date ancient documents by different methods, one of which is looking at the details found within. Here we look at some examples.
Jun 25, 20211 min read

Christianity Compared to Other Religions
People often say all religions are the same. What are the similarities and differences when comparing Christianity to other religions?
Jun 24, 20211 min read

Has the Bible Been Corrupted?
Has the Bible been changed over the years? Here we look at the evidence for the reliability of the New Testament.
Jun 12, 20211 min read

Episode 34 - Hume, Defeater of Miracles
One of the main reasons people disregard the resurrection of Jesus is because they don't believe miracles are possible. Whether they know...
Jun 8, 202119 min read

Episode 33 - Science Against Miracles
We've all met someone who disbelieves in supernatural things because they're more "science minded", as though science has disproven the...
May 20, 202110 min read

Episode 32 - Bad Examples of Miracles
A large reason people struggle to believe in the resurrection of Jesus is that they simply don't believe in miracles.
May 10, 202110 min read

Episode 31 - Bias Against Miracles
Are miracles possible? If not there's no point in even having a discussion about whether Jesus was really resurrected.
Apr 26, 202117 min read

Can we be Content Without God?
I was recently asked, “Do we really need God to be content in our daily lives?” In one sense, you don’t need God if you just want to...
Apr 21, 20214 min read

Episode 30 - Reasoning for the Resurrection
Here we review the historical data, and form an argument out of it, to show that Jesus Christ actually rose from the dead.
Apr 9, 202117 min read

What's Heaven Like?
One of the things people are most curious about, and at the same time very misinformed about, is heaven. In media, heaven is almost always
Apr 2, 20215 min read

Does God send people to hell for not loving Him?
Recently I was asked a question about hell. Basically, do people go to hell simply because they don’t believe? I’ve heard many different...
Mar 24, 20214 min read

Episode 29 - Evidence for the Empty Tomb
The idea that Jesus was buried, and then the tomb was found empty, is an incredible claim to make. In this episode we look at the historical
Mar 24, 202113 min read
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